The history
of Jefferson Park
Originally this park was called Dreamland Park
as intended by it's creator Charles William Phillips.
The first thoughts of the Park where envisioned between 1887-1888. As a dreamer Charles let his imagination run wild and complied a 19 page (legal -size paper and single space typing) poem intitled "Dreamland." Then at the birth of this last child "Bonnie" in 1901 he crossed the street and planted an evergreen tree as the cornerstone of his park. Walla Walla at the time had no other public parks and it was at this time Charles reached out to the community for support in building the park. In 1903 he solicated $1 donations as well as pouring alot of his money and time into the park. The offical grand opening of the park came on July 4, 1903. By 1905 the final additions were completed including a dance hall and concession stand. The park also featured a zoo, a aviary, attractive flower beds and a 20ft winding path between each of it's major attractions. The park today as seen to the right, still contains the original islands. Many kids have learned to fish at this lake and enjoy playing under the parks many trees. A localmotive has been added as well as a senior citzen center. Dreamland Park was operated by Charles Phillips for about ten years. During this time he was hired by the City Park Committee to direct a crew of workmen and plant flower beds at the then newly developing 40 acre city park on East Alder Street. There was a family reunion on the 100th anniversary
of the first tree being planted at the park. This Event and many others at the park including many references
to the history of Charles Phillips are well documented in the local newpaper.