From Handwritten Journal of Geneva Hunnicutt Phillips dated Oct 1993
Generations are listed from left(youngest) to right(oldest), Spouses are Red below Husband and spilt into additon trees, Siblings are Blue
Geneva M Hunnicutt
Lynn Hunnicutt
Thomas F Hunnicutt
Construction worker, Furniture Maker
RIP Keene, TX
Lorenzo Dow Hunnicutt
B 5/2/1845 D 10/25/1905
Doctor/Professor Baptist Seminary
RIP Union McMinn Baptist Church Cemetery McMinn, TN
Joseph (B or D) Hunnicutt
Plantation Owner in AL?
When freed, each Slave received 2acres and cabin and remained as hired labor(s)
The there are two Civil War books that mention the Hunnicutt Plantation
Of Love and War: 1864--A Civil War Novel for the North By Charles Hammer
 Meda Venice Hardin
Nurse:Chattanooga, TN
Fort Smith, AR
Hot Springs, AR
Gospel Music Teacher/Writter
Songs Published:
196? "Flint Creek Valley" MGM Movie
1966 "He Walked This Way Before" Stamps Baxter
1967 "Draw Me Closer to Thee" Stamps Baxter
1968 "The Grand HomeComing" Tennessee Music
1969 "At The End of The Rainbow" Tenn Music
1969 "Living for Jesus" Stamps Baxter
1972 "He Shows His Love That Way" James Vaughn Pub
1972 "He Rides The Stern" Tenn Music
Jim Hardin
2nd Guitar Singing Group appear on Grand Old Opry
Leota Hardin Coleman
Master Degree William&Mary
Taught 20yrs Memphis, TN
John Rolin Hardin
Master Degree/Taught Art
? County Supertendant
1914 Coach for 1st OK Indian Baseball Team
Nancy Mabelle Rainwater
J Samuel Rainwater
1st Wife ???died Trail of Tears crossing Mississippi River
2nd Wife Margot Scarborough
7 childern
Margret C Beavers
 Zeb Rainwater
Music Master-Builder/Teacher/Player
all strings instruments
George Rainwater
 Crippen Hunnicutt
MD and Admin for VA Nursing Home
Bowie, TX
 Paralee Hunnicutt
School Teacher/Principle
William Doe Combest
MD, Chairman Local Hospital Board on OK
 William Homer Hunnicutt
School Teacher, end of WWI stay in Berlin/Paris teaching English awhile
 Otis Ellist Hunnicutt
Dry Cleaner/Fur Storage OKC,OK
Ora ?
 LT (Dick) Hunnicutt
Mayor Gladewater, TX Dry Cleaning